I'm heading out of town bright and early this morning for what I'm considering in my mind to be a mini weekend vacation. Well, it's not really a vacation, it's a work trip, but I get to see four of my sweetest sorority sisters and I am so excited to love on them for 2 whole days! Every sorority officer from ZTA in the state of South Carolina is gathering together this weekend for officer training. To my luck, two other current Traveling Leadership Consultants, Mallory (top right) and Chelsea (bottom right), will be there with the two colleges they are visiting right now. My sweet ZTA sister from UNC Charlotte (who was also a TLC 2 years ago), Casey (top left), will be there as a trainer. This will be the first time I've seen Casey since she got engaged last summer and I am so excited to finally see her beautiful ring in person. And last but not least I get to see my Katelyn (bottom left) whom I met several years ago at a ZTA National Convention when we both won the same award. She graduated from Clemson University two years ago and then traveled last year as a TLC. She is my go-to person that I always call with questions when I'm confused on the job! Any who, in case you cannot tell, I am beaming with joy that I get to see these four blessings in my life this week! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back on Monday morning with a little weekend review :-)

Also, don't forget that you only have till Tuesday night at 11:59pm to enter my first giveaway for the book "Blog, Inc.". Enter while you can!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
It sounds like you will have such a fun weekend!