Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wishful Wednesday

Hey blogger friends!

Happy Wednesday :-) Apologizes once again for no post the past few weeks! I have been traveling to a new school/state every 4 days so once I catch my breath it's time to move again. However, I'm currently enjoying my last week on the road before Thanksgiving in beautiful Alabama! 

With Christmas (and my birthday) upon us, I decided to show you all some of the top things I'm being wishful for this year! Let me know what you think:

A trip to the Baltimore House 

What are some of the things you're wishing Santa will bring to you this year?


  1. That Lilly Pulitzer tote would be amazing to have!


  2. You've been a busy bee on your blog, I love it! I keep forgetting to long on to BlogLovin' regularly so I'm going to follow via blogger ;) love your taste!


Thank you for stopping by to my little blog and sharing part of your day with me! I truly love reading comments from my readers and enjoy connecting back with you, so please feel free to leave some kind words on here and I look forward to getting to know you better!